Thursday, 27 October 2016

I'm ready 

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Just one more week!

Thats all, just one more week!! Time is zipping by although I do see this as a blessing as I just want to get out there!
Over the past few days things have become a little exciting. Radio interviews with BBC Surrey, Eagle and I even got an email from Sir Ran Fiennes! Sir Rans good wishes would have been filled with a full understanding of my up coming trip.

Earlier this week I handed over my facebook accounts, web etc to my brother who will be overseeing the pages and making sure that my updates from Antarctica make it to my facebook page (emmatamsinkelty1) as well as twitter.
I also met up with a school friend (from primary) who I hadnt seen for too many years... dont put off until tomorrow what you can do today springs to mind.  It really is daft that it took so long to meet again.

So the only last few things I need to do now is hand over to my house mate, the uk support team, say  a few more farewells (my weakness) and attend the RFHall one last time on Friday evening.  Ok, so there are other things I am doing but... one week is not long at all! 😀

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Baggage away!!

This was one of the big count downs .... the date that my baggage was to be picked up and taken to the airport.

Its happened along with yesterdays fixing of the strap and the putting in the 'go faster stripes' aka in aid of Cystic Fibrosis and Teach Africa logos.

Its close now.... just two weeks away....

I was ready to burst 2 months ago ..... so with just two weeks to go ... I just hope I can contain the excitement and nerves that are building on a daily basis.  

Friday, 7 October 2016

Breaking News!!!!

I have competition!! There is another solo female (from Sweden) doing the return journey!! Aka the 1460 miles to the South Pole and back.

Suddenly there is another dimention added to this jaunt... exciting times for sure 😀😀