Sunday, 19 August 2012

Quick summary of the last couple of months!

I really can't believe that it has been a couple of months since I last posted. The most exciting highlight has to be picking up a secd Headship of a two form entry school in Hackney. This of course, along with the process of getting the job, has impacted my training and running routines. In so far as races are concerned I have sadly had to pull out of the UTMB this year as the race finishes 15 hours before I lay out my thoughts and visions to the staff at the new school. I didn't think that it would be a good look nor start if I turned up on day one hobbling, on crutches and unable to string a sentence together! I will save that for next year ... ;o)))).

I did even though I was blighted with a chesty cough, blisters from a previous 40 miler and a garmin that decided to pack up a week before the race, cross the start line for the lakelands 100 miler one stage fell race. I learnt on the first 26.5 miles many things a) there is nothing quite like  fell running in the dark after 3 months of rain b) running through knee and calf level mud, grunge and water does make your skin softer c) when you step forward one and slide back two - it's a good indicator that one is off track and definitely off course - even on a fell run! d) never listen to a guy who has not recced the route (this is second time that I have and on both occasions subsequently gone on a 2 hour detour! e) working garmins are fantastic! and finally f) running up hill with half a lung working is not such a good idea!

So with my long list of excuses presented  it won't be any surprise that I missed the timed check point at 3.30am - this was a shame as in my mind I was still strong and eager to go forward. Never mind.... It was a good training run and insight into how hard the terrain was. I have to say that yes, I was gutted but not so gutted considering my situation and knowing that there were only 26 females that crossed the start line out of 300 and how many races expect a 60% drop out rate?

Not sure that I should have been in the race in the first place... But hey, I wouldn't have done half the things that I have done if I didn't just give it a go. Rock on next year I say! ;o)))))